About Milu Za
Based in Berlin, Germany, I was born in Romania and grew up in Bavaria, a southern region in Germany.
For the last 8 years, I’ve focused my work on understanding the language of my body, my feelings and my conscious and unconscious mind.
As a little child, I was deeply interested in using my body as a tool to experience pleasure. I was prectising ballet and contemporary dance, and explored Martial Arts such as Kung Fu. Educated in physical theater, I dove headfirst into the expression of movement and emotion as a performer.
Throughout my life, I went through experiences that felt emotionally overwhelming. I didn’t have the tools to deal with them and I didn’t feel safe. I felt disconnected on so many levels.
Since those experiences, I focused my attention on the connection of the mind, body, and soul in order to overcome the separation that I often felt.
As I explored my inner layers, two questions were guiding me:
How can I accept uncomfortable situations without them growing into a problem that is completely overwhelming?
How can I work through them?
I never believed that I came to this earth to be perfect. Layers of conditioning taught me to aim for perfection, which resulted in even more suffering.
Later on, I discovered my ability to transform all appearing difficulties in my life through a centered mind-body-soul awareness process. I realized that healing is an organic process that takes place on many levels, mainly in the body and the mind. During this process I realized that the body has no soul, it is literally the soul.
Eventually, trusting my own body and my inner voice became my natural state of being, and I desperately wanted to share it with others.
Finally, I experienced trust in the unknown, towards elements that are out of my comfort zone. This level of trust continues to help me become the person that I am today.
I studied Energetic Body Psychotherapy at the Institute for Relationship Dynamics in Berlin. To be able to work as a teacher on a different but also very profound level of the nervous system, I was certified as a Tantra Yoga teacher with 200 hours of qualification lessons at the Durgas Tiger School in Ecuador.
In addition, I did a tantric year group training at the Institute for Relationship Dynamics in Berlin, where I deepened my experience about myself in relationships.
Gaining profound wisdom about the womb, the menstrual cycle, and the intuitive power of the feminine I happily graduated from the Sacred Rose year training in female healing work which first took part in Berlin and afterward became an online training from THE WOMANSCHOOL through Yolande Alice Jaguar Carrell as well as certified in the Shamanic Basic Seminar by the wonderful Shamanic Healer Sian Lang.
Before transitioning into healing work, I completed a Masters's degree in Adult Education from Humboldt University, an apprenticeship in Physical theatre, from the Dance Intensive Program at Tanzfabrik Berlin, as well as two degrees in drama teachings.
I'm a somatic coach and Tantra Yoga teacher, who specializes in the dynamic relationship between the mind, body, and soul in order to live an embodied life.
I created the Body-Mind-Soul- method because I want to connect all the important elements that I've learned on my healing path. For people who want to heal their trauma and live to their full potential, I create a profound holistic, and deeply energetic journey.
In my coaching, I combine elements from my education in energetic body psychotherapy, as well as female and shamanic healing work, tantra yoga, and NARM, the neuroaffective relational model.
Components of the Mind-Body-Soul Awareness Method
In my work, I orient myself on the Survival Styles of NARM, the Neuro-Affective Relationship Model, according to Heller and La Piere, elements of The Method of Somatic Experiencing according to Peter Levine, The Attachment Theory of John Bowlby, The Shadow Concept according to C.G. Jung, The Bio-Energetic Methods based on Wilhelm Reich and further developed by Alexander Lowen, as well as the premise of Humanistic Psychology.
The second important categories from which I draw, are ancient practices such as Meditation, Tantra, Taoistic and Shamanic practices, body-oriented traditions, such as Yoga, Qui Gong, and Tai Chi, and Self-realization-techniques like Breath work or Ritualistic work.
My third source is my physical and artistic knowledge in theater, movement, and contemporary dance practices, elements from The Alexander Technique; The VIEW POINT performance technique.
Sept. 2023 - Mai 2023
Tantric year training at the Institute for Relationship Dynamics: Modul1: body psychotherapy and expression work; Modul 2:Resoncetherapy; Modul 3:Tantric rituals and tantric bodywork Modul 4:element of sexual bodywork; Modul 5: sensual bodywork; Modul 6: process-oriented work with personal topics Modul 7:dynamic and still meditations Modul 7: Creative work
Jan. 2023 - Feb. 2023
Certification as a Yoga teacher with 200 hours of Yoga at Durgas Tiger School for Tantra Yoga and Shamanism
Sept 2022
Participation in Modul 1 Armour lifting Bodywork: Chakra wisdom, energetic massage in the energy field, the 3 minutes game from Dr. Betty Martin, the Gyan Chakra Meditation, wheel of consent
Nov. 2020 - Nov. 2021
Basic shamanic seminar with alternative practitioner Sian Lang: Basics of shamanic work, grounding, cleaning, creation of sacred spaces, shamanic travel, basics of the medicine wheel and sweat lodge, basics of ritual work
Degree: Certificate
Oct. 2018 - Jan. 2019
Institute Christoph Mahr
Main focus: Preparatory course to review psychotherapy according to the Heilpraktikergesetz;
Degree: Certificate
Jan. 2018 - Nov. 2018
Compact education in energetic body psychotherapy at the Institute for Relationship Dynamics (couple, sexual, and body psychotherapy) in cooperation with Soma Essence UG
Degree: Certificate
Jan. 2017 - Dez. 2017
Women's School by Yolande Alice Jaguar Carrell: Sacred Rose, training in alternative, female healing work; Training to lead seminars in women's circles;
Degree: Certificate
Sept. 2015 - Feb. 2016
Biographical theater at the Social Pedagogical Institute Berlin Direction and dramaturgy in a theater-pedagogical context; Focus: Biographical-documentary theater
Degree: Certificate
June 2014 - Sept. 2015
Social Pedagogical Institute Berlin
Main focus: basic theater-pedagogical training for play management in accordance with the framework guidelines of the Bundesverband für Theaterpädagogik e.V. (BuT);
Degree: Certificate
Oct. 2008 – June 2010
Physical theater studio; International school for
Movement drama Berlin, Acting training
Degree: stage maturity
Oct. 2006 – July 2008
Humboldt University of Berlin, Philosophical Faculty IV
Master's degree in adult education
Sept. 2007 – Sept. 2008
Dance Intensive dance program
Intensive training in the subjects: modern dance, contemporary, ballet, jazz dance, contact improvisation, Latin fusion, body-mind centering, yoga and Pilates.
Degree: Certificate
July 2001 - Oct. 2005
Social work Studies at the University for Social Sciences, University for Applied Science Esslingen and at the Catholic University of Social Sciences Berlin
Degree: Diploma
Since 2023 Freelancer as Yoga Teacher
Since 2016 Freelancer at The Body-Mind Soul-Method
-Single sessions in Somatic Coaching
-Women circles-female healing work
-Facilitator of different Seminars and Workshops
Since 2020 Social Consultant for Pregnant Women and Women with infants under 6 months at IBEF e.V., in the district Mitte of Berlin, financed by the so-called Early Help Program of the Berlin Senate.
Okt. 2017 - Dez. 2017
Assistant director for the production "So kheren Amenca" produced by Amaro Drom e.V. and performed at Gorki Theatre Studio R
Aug. 2015 - Feb. 2017
Freelance lecturer at Forum Berufsbildung; Lessons for future educators in the development and reception history of human forms of expression, creativity and aesthetics, visual, plastic and spatial design, design with auditory, visual, audiovisual and digital media, experimental work
Further Education & Inspiration
“Il Cuerpo presente”, dance and movement workshop with Alexander Carillo (Nov. 2021)
Weigtlessness workshops-dance and movement workshop with Almog Lowen (Sept.2021)
Training event with the topic: Part I: Attachment-Separation-Attachment Disorder-Attachment-Pedagogical Interventions / Part II "Attachment Pedagogical Dealing with Difficult and Aggressive Children and Adolescents" (Oct. 2015)
Training event: De-escalation training - basic and advanced seminar (Dec. 2012)
The World of Clowns-Clown and theatre workshop with Finbarr Ryan (Jan. 2012)
2 years of - individual lessons in voice training and jazz singing in the Music school in Kreuzberg; Berlin