Milu Za - Somatic Coaching
The Body-Mind-Soul Method
A dynamic method to break through your physical, mental, and emotional barriers.
Increase your capacity for inner, and outer connection.

Rediscover your body-mind-soul awareness
Every human being strives for personal fulfillment, growth, and freedom. Beginning at birth, humans are guided towards activities, objects, thoughts, and feelings that lead to these goals.
In our chaotic world, many people are disconnected from their inner voice. Often there is a lack of connection with their physical body, true feelings and potential. People tend to process through thinking with their main focus in the mind. This can eventually lead to various illnesses: stress, anxiety, panic attacks or depression.
I support people to break through physical, mental, and emotional barriers to increase their capacity for inner and outer connection.

Awaken your intuition
For too long, women were brought up to believe that they should support and nurture everyone around them, rather than supporting and nurturing themselves.
Our intuition has the power to guide us towards greater fulfillment in life.
In my Women's Circles, women are empowered to trust their intuition at a deep level and to celebrate themselves through healing rituals.
I provide a safe container for women to ground, release and enjoy their energy.

⦿ How to activate your body & mind to become more flexible, creative, strong, grounded, and self-aware in relationships
⦿ Learning to be present in your body & mind
⦿ The tools to transform inner emotional stress, blockages, and anxiety into movement
⦿ The clarity to manage challenging moments
⦿ Overall increasing your capacity to love, trust, and connect
About Milu Za
I'm a somatic relationship coach and workshop facilitator who specializes in the dynamic relationship between the body, mind, and soul.
The Body-Mind-Soul Method was created to offer a holistic style of coaching.
Milu’s Single Sessions
My experience with Milu is profound and magical every time.
Our paths crossed at the right point in my life, when my healing journey started.
I believe it has a great impact due to her embodied methods in coaching.
We started meeting on a regular basis, and at every appointment I was shocked by her experience, intuition, and complexity of approach and attitude.
Every healing session with her is unique and different from all the therapy-workshops-alternatives I've ever attended.
Her knowledge, attitude to change and develop, intuition and mostly her open loving heart, are her greatest gifts.
– Sanny Minga
Die Intuition von Mirjam ist unglaublich kraftvoll, richtig und liebevoll. Mit ganz viel Liebe, Energie und Präsenz kreiert sie ein sicher Raum und begleitet sie.
Sie gibt ihre Hand und unterstüzt der eigene Prozess sodass man selber sein Weg folgen kann und während die Session gehen kann wo man es genau braucht.
Ich hatte zwei Termine mit Mirjam und es hat mein Leben geändert. Mirjam hat mich geholfen in mein Kraft zu kommen und mein Leben zu ändern.
– Laura Waltz
Milu’s Intimacy Workshops
I've joined a few workshops with Milu and I recommend her work wholeheartedly. She holds space with passion and gentleness, guiding people through powerful exercises skillfully designed to bring people in connection with themselves, and with each other. I really appreciate her powerful yet vulnerable and playful presence, and her ability to create a safe and sacred space for deep processing and healing. I admire her creativity and endurance (her workshops can be up to 8 hours long), and looking forward to deepen my process with her.
– Andrea Hriscu
Ich war bei einem 8-stündigen Intimacy Workshop von Milu. Ich kann den Workshop nur weiterempfehlen und erst recht Milu als Host. Sie hat eine sehr weiche und warme Art und Weise, wie sie mit Menschen umgeht. Trotzdem, dass wir viele Menschen waren, hatte ich zu jedem Zeitpunkt das Gefühl, dass sie einen Überblick hat, den Raum hält und doch jede einzelne Person wahrnimmt. Wir haben viel mit Atem und Bewegung gearbeitet, Übungen zu Nähe und Distanz gemacht, Heilungsrituale und die Sinne erforscht.
Ich kann den Workshop nur weiter empfehlen und Milu als Host und Person ist einfach wunderbar!
– Andrea Lei
Milu’s Female Healing Workshops
I was part of the unveiling your inner dragon workshop and it was beautiful! Milu is a very warm and welcoming person who instantly creates an atmosphere of love and trust. The body exercises were new to me but very powerful and fun! The calling of the inner voice was a strong experience but it felt safe in the circle of beautiful women. The day after I was really tired and ran a fever, maybe due to the intense detoxing process. But I generally feel calmer and at peace with myself. Thank you Milu for creating this space and opportunity for women to grow and get to know themselves! I appreciate that very much!!!
– Anna Smart
Ich habe an Milus Workshop GODDESSTEMPLE teilgenommen. Die Dynamiken und Kräfte die sich während des Workshops in der Gruppe entwickelt haben und die Energie die da aus mir herausbrach, haben mich total überwältigt. Milu hat uns einen sicheren Rahmen gegeben und uns mutig und einfühlsam auf dieser Reise begleitet. Ich spüre diese Energien immer noch...Danke, Milu!
– Tatjana Wolter